Electronic Music

Transcribed Space ­Aria for Water Faucet

The “transcribed space” of the title refers to the fact that all of the field recordings used in this piece were gathered within the halls and practice rooms and on the front lawn of the Mills Music building. The “aria” musically documents the charming decay of the plumbing in the men’s bathroom.

I recorded this piece in the spring of 2006 using a home-made Jecklin Disc and a pair of custom designed omni condenser mics made by Scott Morrison.

Golden Gate Redux

“Golden Gate Redux” is composed mostly of field recordings made on the night of the Chinese New Year’s parade in San Francisco in 2006. Most of the sounds for the piece were gathered in San Francisco’s China Town. On the same night, one kilometer away, I recorded the Wave Organ on the shore of San Francisco Bay ­ the edge of California’s “Golden Gate.”

Wilpena Crow – excerpt

The material for “Wilpena Crow” was recorded in Australia in the Flinders mountain range a few hundred kilometers from Adelaide. Wilpena Pound is a dish-shaped plateau that rises above the surrounding topology. In the late 1800s the area was used as a natural sheep pen or pound-thus the name. Today it is set aside for the native flora and fauna. On the day that we visited, the crows were having a particularly erudite conversation and I was lucky enough to capture it on mini disc.

Incidental (Lac Marie Claire) – excerpt


This piece came out of a collaboration with sculptor Rainey Straus. Rainey asked me to design an sound installation that would compliment her latex sculptures. Her work invites participants to get tactile with it, many of her sculptures are designed to fit in the palm of the hand. We landed on the idea of using the sounds of sexual release as the source for the audio. The installation was a multi-channel, multi-speaker affair, this is a merely a stereo representation.

You can read the review of Rainey’s show as it appeared in Sculpture Magazine here.

That Certain Je ne Sais Quoi – excerpt

Windows Above

Section III
Section IV
